Teen Summer Camps

6th-9th Grade

Due to limited space summer camps will be for CORE Ascent clients only. In order to allow more youth clients to participate we will have a limit of only two camps a month for each client.

If you are interested in becoming a client please contact our front desk for more information.


Week one : building community

.This week, youth will learn about group cohesion, while building a supportive environment with peers. Youth will engage in various activities throughout the week that promote community and improve teamwork.


week four: Resolving conflicts

This week, youth will learn effective strategies to address and resolve conflict. This group topic will empower youth to take initiative and solve interpersonal dilemmas.

Week two: bullying & self- acceptance

This week, youth will learn more about bullying, including how to better deal with bullies and how to avoid becoming one. This week’s topic will cover subjects such as self-advocacy, self-image, and empowerment.


week five: Healthy communication

This week, youth will learn how to effectively communicate with adults and peers. Throughout the week, the youth will learn how to assertively and respectfully communicate emotions and set boundaries.

week three: Overcoming hardships

This week, youth will learn about resiliency and how to build a “growth mindset”. Youth will be taught alternative ways of thinking in order to avoid unnecessary stress and adapt to changes.


Week six: stress management

This week, the youth will learn various ways of coping in order to better handle stress. Throughout the week, the youth will engage in various activities in order to promote self-care and build resiliency.